


We made the payment process as simple as possible for our clients by using Wise. Just follow these simple steps below for easy and fast transaction;

Step 1: Check the Invoice that we sent to your email

After you avail some of our services, we will send you an email with an invoice attached for you to review. The invoice contains all of the information about the service you avail.

Review and Verify the Invoice

Step 2 : Check the Invoice that we sent to your email

Click the payment link attached to our email to proceed to payment.

Step 3: Select you Payment option

We collect payments using Wise because it is much easier, faster, and charges low transaction fees.

After clicking the payment link, you will be redirected to this page, where you can choose between two payment methods: Bank transfer or Wise transfer. If you do not have a Wise account, we recommend that you use Bank Transfer.

Step 4: Payment Via Bank Transfer.

Click bank transfer and copy all of our banking details because you'll need them to complete the transaction.

(Note: if making a payment outside the US, select "Outside the US" and copy all banking information.)

(Important note: If we request that payment should be in USD, please do so because our

Wise bank account only accepts USD payments.)

We recommend using your online banking because it is much easier and faster.

For Example: Paying us through DBS online Banking

Step 1:  Log in to your DBS online banking account and then select "Transfer."

After clicking transfer, look for DBS Remit and Overseas Transfer.

Step 2: Add our bank account as a recipient by clicking “+New Recipient”.

Step 3: Enter all our Bank Details as shown in payment link that we sent in the invoice. (Instruction 4 above)

(Recipient's Full name or Account Holder)

Step 4: Enter our SWIFT Code exactly as shown in our bank details, then click Find SWIFT CODE.

Look for TRANSFERWISE INC then click Select.

Step 5: Enter our Account Number then review the terms and conditions before proceeding.

Step 6: Review our Account Details. Once all the details are correct, click “Submit.”

Step 7: Check whether the Recipient you created was successfully added. Take note of the Transactions reference number as well.

Transfer Procedure

After you successfully added our account as a recipient that you are now ready to transfer the payment.

Step 1: Return to the "Transfer" page after successfully adding our bank details to your recipients, find our Account Name on the right-hand panel, and click "Transfer."

Step 2: Select the account you want to transfer from, and choose the currency and transfer amount.

Step 3: Review the Transaction details

Step 4: Complete the transaction by entering a 2-factor authentication PIN.

Step 5: Wise will notify us if we successfully received you payment.